Plett April 2017 Hallelujah, It is back to school day. I cannot even tell you (do I need to explain?) how good it feels to have a quiet uncluttered house. Living with 8 other people (actually 10 cos my folks currently live in our flat) is not for the faint of heart. As most of you know - I LIKE quiet. And wide open spaces. And did I mention QUIET? clearly a moment when i was not quite camera ready :-) These holidays were a great success but by Saturday I had just had enough - I unravelled completely and went off like a stark-raving banshee. It was extremely unpleasant; I tried to reason with myself but alas, I was powerless against the tide. The introvert came out like a demon demanding that everyone sod off and that everything needed to just STOP for a moment. I have to say that Kev is very good at creating space for me but even he came under wicked fire --- totally blamed him for my insane state. [that is a completely ...
Rach asked to go to church today. I am not a church-goer. I did it for half my life and it never served me in any way least of all getting closer to God. I don't believe being in a church environment was beneficial for me nor for the people around me. I do, however, believe that it has a place and should my kids wish to go I will be the first to facilitate this. She went to the teen group and I sat in the service quietly. Ready to just relax and go with the flow. Naive I think. I have never felt relaxed in a church environment - no matter how trendy or hip the church. Sadly today was (I felt) a very politically motivated sermon. Something about racial interaction; governance and Jesus thrown in for good measure. I needed to leave the meeting. And I took my (other 2) kids out with me. Church and politics. Really? The upside is Rach really enjoyed the time at her meeting - she would like to go again. I will take her and find a meaningful way to spend the 90 minutes while...
It's our first blended family holiday. We are driving down towards a beautiful sheltered part of the coast - a beach I know well. I have been there a few times before. The sun is shining strongly; there is a welcoming blanket of warmth in the air. Out of nowhere a soft rain begins to fall upon the windscreen of the car. My chest tightens. My breathing becomes shallower and I immediately turn my face toward my window. The tears are upon me. This is forever going to be my life. Bright sunshiny days full of hope and happiness and warmth. But the rain will come.
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